A.Pause Push Jerk
2 sets of 3 reps @ 65-75%
*% based off 1 RM split jerk
*1 sec pause in dip
B. 10 pause strict
press no rebounds
@ max load
C. Push Press 2 sets of 3-4 reps @ 90-95%
Rest as needed
*% based off 3 RM
WOD for time :
Run 400 m
3.3.3 squat snatch @65%
(3 unbroken snatches x3 sets ). 9 total snatches per rd
-rest 2 min after each set
REST 5 min (not 7 )
2 sets
300 m run
6.6.6 hang power clean @55% of power clean
(3 unbroken sets of 6 HPC ) 18 total Hang cleans per rd
rest 2 min after each set
scale the weight to make sure all sets are done unbroken as specified (barbell cycling )