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Wednesday 03292023

8 sets of

1.1.1 rest (5 sec between reps )


around 65% 1RM Hang power clean

*Focus is powerful hip extension, but strong/techncial catch in front rack, no star fishing and working on create strong connection with the bar .

Half Kneeling Single Leg Vertical Jump3 sets of 5 reps

Rest 1 minute between sets

*5 reps/side each set

*rest 1 minute between sets

*reset between each rep to keep it powerful

Every minute for 3 minutes Hollow Body Tuck Hold With Single Leg Extensions for 20sec


3rds for time :

6 sand bag front squats 150/100

12 Db farmer carry walking lunges 50/35

24 unbroken wall balls 20/14

  • rest 2 min

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