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Tuesday 01242023


E2MOM for 6 minutes (3 sets):

10 Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows

*10 reps/side

*heavy but strong pulling mechanics

EMOM for 12 minutes (3 rounds):

Minute 1Plank Walk - Sliders for 30 seconds Max Distance

Minute 2Max Side Plank Arch Ups for 20 seconds

Minute 3Max Med Ball Russian Twists for 30 seconds

Minute 420 Tall Kneeling Pallof Presses

*20 sec/side for side plank arch ups and pallof presses


16 minute clock:

Bike/ Row for Calories

**Every 2 minutes, rotate through the following:

Set 1: 20 GHDSUs/ abmat

Set 2: 10-20 Pistols (alternating) / db box step ups

Set 3: 3 Rope Climbs

Set 4: 5 Sand Bag to Shoulder @ 150/100lbs 100/70 70/50

Set 5: 15 Sec Free Standing HS Hold in 4'x4' Box / REG hs hold

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