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Monday 07252022



EMOM for 8 minutes (8sets):

2 Squat Clean and Jerks @ 65%

Every 75 seconds, for 7:30 (6 sets):

2 Front Squats @ 60% (20X1 tempo)


For Time: Handstand Walk 100 feet/ 200 ft db oh walk + 10 push press

30 Wall Ball Shots @ 20/14 lbs

10 Muscle-Ups/ 20 ctb pull-ups

REST3 min

Handstand Walk 75 feet/150 db oh walk + 10 push press

20 Dumbbell Box Stepups 24/20 inches @ 50/35 lbs

15 Bar Muscle-Ups/ box / band /20 pull-ups

REST 3 min

Handstand Walk 50 feet/ 100 ft oh db walk + 10 push press

Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge 100 feet @ 50/35 lbs

10 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts @ 50/35 lbs

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