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FRI-EFFIN-YAY, Skips'n'Burps, August 18, 2023


6 sets of complex, Every 2 minutes, starting at 70% 1RM Push Press

Complex - 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

Increase load each set by feel. Keep an eye on your mechanics and make sure you're maintaining a tight core (squeeze your belly), not arching your back (squeeze your belly) and catching the overheads with solid/locked out arms. Squeeze the heck out that bar when you stand it up off the rack and plant your feet like you mean it on each catch.

3 RFT (Rounds For Time), 12-18:00 target time

15 Burpee to target (6")

50 Double unders

15 Burpee to target (6")

50 Crossover singles

Hey crew. An excellent opportunity to work on some skills while under fatigue. Even those of you who feel pretty good about your skipping can expect to see some trip ups on the dubs and x-overs given the lung burn and shoulder drain, your friend and mine, the burpee will provide.

Look to finish your sets of skips in less than 1:15 each and your burpees in no more than 1:30. If you feel like these times won't work for you, reduce the number of skips, practice the skips for no more than 90 secs a set, reduce the number of burpees or even the height you're jumping for. The goal is to work steadily through this bodyweight workout and finish in 12-18:00.

Get after it, then go on and enjoy the heck out of your weekend...or come back on Saturday for more.

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