Awesome job tackling Cindy crew! We worked through a fair bit of volume with all of the pull-ups, pushups and air squats, so Tuesday is more focused on our cardiovascular endurance and run recovery. This workout is setup to give you, ideally, a 1:1 work:rest ratio, meaning the 3:00 rest that you get between rounds should be close to the effort you expend you on the runs. Have fun with this one!
We often tend to focus our core training efforts on the frontside of our midline, so we’re also going to work on building a stronger back today with some hip extensions on a box. Check out the video for an idea of what these will look like.
Pre-WOD core (6-7 mins):
Accumulate 40 hip extensions on a box with a partner to hold your legs down.
Sets of 10 or 20 are recommended before switching partners to give yourself a chance to rest
SCORE: TOTAL TIME, including rest
4 rounds for time:
Run 800 m
– Rest 3:00 between rounds.
Same as L1
4 rounds for time:
Run 600 m
– Rest 3:00 between rounds.
Each run should take you between 3-4 mins
Run substitutions | 800/1,000-meter row or Ski-erg
1,600/2,000-meter C2 bike
1,750/2,500-meter Assault or Echo bike
Post WOD:
2 sets of:
0:30 calf stretch/each leg
1:00 forward fold, standing, or seated on ground