Seated Barbell Strict Press
(22X2 tempo)4 sets of 5-8 reps
Single Kettlebell Overhead Carry
6 sets of 125-150 feet
Rest 30 seconds between sets
*alternate arm on each set
*lockout / stability focus
Every minute for 12 minutes (4 rounds):
Minute 1 Wall Facing Handstand Hold for 25-35 seconds
Minute 2 Plank Walk - Sliders for 25-35 seconds
Minute 3 Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold for 25-35 seconds
*KB handles touch in front
*Add 5 seconds to what you were able to sustain last week
2-3 sets:
800m run
150 single unders
-rest 1 min between-
*smooth / sustainable pacing