Hey crew. happy Stretch day!
We'll do the usual 25 mins, or so, stretch and then there will be your choice of strength or a nice little AMRAP and some HS practice. Remember, if today should be or is your rest day, please respect your body and choose some light movement. Give yourself the time to heal and resting is the only way! Grabbing a friend and heading out for a light jog, walk, moderate bike session, etc are also great ways to move without overdoing it.
Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5+
Build to a heavy 5 rep bench, but hold sets 4-5 at same weight, going for max reps on the 5th set! Ask for a spotter if you're benching by yourself and please be smart about the weights you choose and don't push to failure!
On a 5 min clock: Practice free standing handstands. You can also practice kicking up and holding a HS against the wall.
AMRAP 10: 3-6-9-12… etc.Toes-to-bars 1-2-3-4… etc.Wall walks
AMRAP 10: 2-4-6-8-10-12… etc.Toes-to-bars 1-1-2-2-3-3.. etc.Wall walks
AMRAP 10: 3-6-9-12… etc.Hanging knee raises 1-2-3-4… etc.Inchworm + push-ups
All athletes get into the 6th round or further.
Advanced athletes get into the 8th round or further.
Toes-to-bars in sets of 3 or more.
4 or more wall walks per minute pace.