Clean and Jerk3 sets of 1.1.1 reps @ 70-80%
*Rest 20 seconds between periods
should be very technical & completable (70/ 75/ 80)
Front squat
1 rep @ 79% of 3RM from last week
--Rest 30 sec--
Then complete 2 reps
--Rest 30 sec--
Then complete 3 reps
--Rest 30 sec & continue to add 1 rep until you reach an 8-9/10 RPE, leaving 1 reps in the tank for the day.
by in ...
1000/875m row
3 rounds of:
4 wall walks
15 push press 95/65
10 front rack lunge (per leg)not alt.
cash out ..
Row 1000/875
*xtra credit
amrap 2 min - v-ups