Hey, so I know this may not be the most popular kind of workout, but these monostructural days are just as important to our fitness journey as a deadlift couplet, box jumps, pullups, or whatever else you can pick that you think sounds sexier than a 7km effort on the machine. As CrossFit individuals we can go hard and fast, do lots of reps and we can lift heavy shit. Yeah, we can do it all! Sometimes we also get to go long... that's today, and we CAN do that too.
The good news is that we get to share the effort with a friend =)
We'll be splitting the distance with a partner, and there are a few options for you to persue below. You can do more shorter efforts but with an increased number of transitions, or longer stints and let each other get into the groove. You can break it up however you choose.
If you do this alone, you could do half the distance working a piece then resting however long it took you to do that piece, or you could chug right on through.
Pull your socks up and prove to yourself that you can do this.
See you in the gym.
