Hey CFQ. We're happy to introduce a new feature to our programming. The "FITNESS" track, is geared towards our members who aren't looking to crush big Olympic lifts or high skill gymnastics movements like muscle ups, etc. You won't see it every day, but it will pop up when appropriate to give members a choice for more active movement and less technical detail.
If you have any feedback on the programming, or questions, please touch base with me (Michael). I'd love to hear from you.
Monday is bringing a much more classic style CrossFit workout with some Push Jerks for Strength and a nice 10 round couplet to get the heart rate bumpin!
The RX+ is a big jump, so if you feel like 95/65 is too light, but 135/95 is too much, we can find some middle ground in there to get you where you want to be.
Let's get going here CFQ! Have some fun with this stuff!
