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Friday! 24012025


Hey crew! Happy Friday to you.

Deadlifts are one of my favourite movements. They're a full body exercise that challenge your core, mental focus, low body strength, upper body name it, deadlifts will provide.

The goal for today is to get to the deadlift bar with about 1:00 remaining in the interval. You should have a weight on the bar that doesn't exceed 80% of your 1 rep max and that you could lift for sets of 3-5.

You may need to reduce the number of TTB, if they're a sticking point for you, in order to get the 1:00 in on deads. Use your first round as a test to see how well the gymnastics portion will work for you.

If we're still working on our double unders, this is a great opportunity! Nice number to shoot for each interval, but keep in mind you can't work on them for much more than 1:00 if you want to get the rest of the work in!

Have fun and lift with intent! Be smart.

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