Pause Clean and Jerk
3 sets of 1.1.1 reps @ 65-75%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
*rest 20 sec between periods
*Set 1 = 1 sec pause at mid thigh,
set 2 = pause at knee,
set 3 = pause at 2" below knee
.Front Squat
2 sets:
1 rep @ 75% Current/Est 3RM
--rest 30 sec--
2 reps @75% Current/Est 3RM
--rest 30 sec--
3 reps @75% Current/Est 3RM
*continue to add 1 rep until you reach an 8-9/10 RPE, leaving 1-2 reps in the tank for the day
*If you're unsure of current 3RM, then either build to a tough triple for a starting point.
2 RFT:
300m Run
20 Pull-ups
rest 1 min
300 m run
20 push-ups
rest1 min
300m run
30 airsquats