Department Of Occupational And Recreational The...
There are some exciting curriculum changes happening within the department. We are redesigning our MOT curriculum with the hope of offering an entry MOT/OTD (clinical doctorate) in occupational therapy. We hope to roll the dual entry program out in fall 2023, pending the necessary approvals. With the curriculum change of our entry level degree, the last admission term for the post-professional OTD will be fall 2020.
The Department of Occupational and Recreational Therapies is committed to providing a brave and inclusive space for a diverse group of students, staff, and faculty. Consistent with the University of Utah Nondiscrimination Policy, we do not tolerate any forms of discrimination, including racism and genderism, in our learning communities due to their harmful impacts. We support open communication from any member of our community about incidences of bias and discrimination, and commit to gather information to understand and address concerns with transparency to the best of our abilities. Our goal is to broaden the perspectives of all students by providing a high quality, transformative educational experience to prepare our graduates to best work with our diverse local and global populations. This includes understanding historic and contemporary inequities and how they contribute to barriers to health, well-being, and participation in meaningful life activities. We assert that it is our role as occupational and recreational therapy professionals to advocate for justice and equity in our workplaces and communities.
Therapists may work with physicians or surgeons, registered nurses, psychologists, social workers, physical therapists, teachers, or occupational therapists. Recreational therapists are different from recreation workers, who organize recreational activities primarily for enjoyment.
An increased emphasis on the importance of lifelong well-being is expected to create demand for recreation workers in a variety of settings, including fitness and recreational sports centers, country clubs, and other organizations. Parks and recreation departments may contract out the services of activity specialists.
(a) The department may petition a court for an order to withhold, suspend or restrict any professional, occupational or hunting or fishing license, certificate or permit issued to an obligor who is in arrears in a child support obligation. The court may:
Graduates of the Recreational Therapy program frequently go onto graduate school in pursuit of advanced degrees in recreational therapy, counseling, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and other health professions. Faculty advisers provide guidance in completion of the prerequisites for graduate school within the four year program.
It sounds simple enough. But often, there seems to be some confusion regarding occupational therapy and other related therapies, specifically recreational therapy. While some aspects of both types of therapy do overlap, there are distinct and clear differences.
We at Concorde thought we'd take some time to explain the differences between occupational therapy - and, by its close relationship, the duties of the Occupational Therapy Assistant - and recreational therapy.
The WorkStrong program is a University of California systemwide program developed with the expertise and collaborative support of UC staff in wellness programs, occupational health and recreational services. It is designed to promote recovery and prevent future workplace injuries. Each UC campus has its own unique program to suit the needs of the employees on its campus. All campuses offer the core services of WorkStrong, which include a 6 month gym membership, exercise guidance and nutrition counseling, while each campus offers their own unique programming to suit the needs of its campus. 59ce067264