BB Hip Thrusts:
Build to a heavy 3, aiming heavier than last weeks double, then drop & do 2 sets of 10.
Option 1: Got None
A. EMOM 6-min: 2 x 2-3" deficit handstand pushup negative from handstand position into tripod
*Control for 6-12 sec.
B1. 30 sec Z-press presses + 5sec OH isometric hold x 3, rest 60 sec
B2. AMRAP UB pike pushups with hands on DB handles x 3
Option 2: Got Some:
E3MOM x 4 sets:
30 sec bike
30 sec HS hold on wall
30 sec max SHSPU
**4th set - 60 sec max SHSPU /CAP 75 REPS
15 Sec On/45 Seconds off until 50 Reps are complete:
Bar Facing Burpees
rest 2min
15 Sec on/45 Seconds off until 40 reps are complete:
GHD/ situps ABMAT
rest 2 min
15 Sec on/45 Seconds off until 40 reps are complete:
Thrusters @ 75/55#*