rest 5-10 seconds between reps
*start around 70% 1RM HPC & build small each set. *Focus is powerful hip extension, but strong/techncial catch in front rack, no star fishing and working on create strong connection with the bar
Half Kneeling Single Leg Lateral Jump \ single leg box step ups 3 sets of 5 reps
*5 reps/side each set (alternating arms)
*reset between each rep to keep it powerful
3 rds For time :
6 back squats 155/105
rest 30 sec
24 jump switch lunge 50/35 or single leg box step up knee up
rest 30 sec
18 unbroken Db thrusters 50/35
REST 2 min on bike, recovery pace.
Target: The goal today is to keep all sets unbroken. If that means you need to lower the loading to do so, please do. Don't get stuck into thinking you have to load as precribed. For this cycle, it is more important to create the demand of density and not loading. So, keep your focus on quality reps, unbroken!
Feel: Expect plenty of leg burn. By set 2, this will also likely be pretty metabolic.