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Stretch/Benchmark day. Thursday August 17, 2023

Hey crew. A few options for your active rest day.

Stretch 20 mins

Back squat


Advanced athletes can work to a heavy single on the day. "Heavy single" refers to a lift that meets or exceeds 90% of your 1 rep max. If you don't know your 1 RM, today may not be the day to find out. There are a lot of reps to chew through here, and beginner/novice athletes should finish the day with a pair of GOOD quality sets of 4.

Last but not least:

2016 Regionals Event #7

21 thrusters (65/95)

3 legless rope climb

15 thrusters

2 legless rope climbs

9 thrusters

1 legless rope climb

Shoot to finish this workout in less than 10 minutes. Advanced athletes, cozy with legless ropies, may go sub 5 on this one.

If you don't have legless rope climbs, please do use your legs😃.

Choose a weight that allows you to do most of the thrusters unbroken...break up your 21's and try to hang on to the 15's and 9's. Absolutely no more than 3 sets on any of the thrusters. Pick your weight to fly through this bad boy.

Watch this workout from 2016 to see Pat Vellner, Mat Fraser and friends compete as babies.

If you just feel like rowing, you should have come on Wednesday 🤷🏼‍♂️. Just kidding, but Wednesday's wod would be an excellent rest day option if you missed it.

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