Happy Monday CFQ!
Congratulations to all of our Spring Fling competitors, and a HUGE thank you to all of the judges, scorekeepers and equipment crew who volunteered their time to help out. The day went amazingly well:)
Carrying on with our training for June, we will be building off of our 1 RM back squat from last week.
Back Squat
1x10 @57%
1x8 @67%
1x6 @71%
1x4 @76%
Rest 1:30-2 minutes b/w sets
And if you’re new to the gym or strength training in general we’d like you to tackle the following, and focus on your range of motion and technique. Ask your coach for help!
Back Squat
Rest 1:30-2 minutes b/w sets
Score: Total Rounds & Reps
TC: 12 minutes
3 x 3 Min amrap, rest 1:30 min between
10 KBS @ 53/35 Ibs
10 Alternating Goblet lunges @ 70/53 KB
10 TTB
Scaling Options
Intermediate L2
10 Russian KBS @ 53/35 Ibs
10 Alternating Goblet lunges
Intermediate L3
10 KBS @ 35/26 lbs
10 Alternating Goblet lunges
10 Swinging Leg Raises
10 Russian KBS @ Light/mod
10 Alternating unweighted lunges
10 Hanging knee raises / Sit-ups