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Monday 01232023



In 20 minutes:

Build to 90% of 1RM Back Squat

Build to 90% of 1RM Strict Press

Build to 90% of 1RM Deadlift

*Done one a a time, must do Back squats, then press, then Deadlifts

*If feeling tired and want to back off on strength %'s, We suggest stopping at 70-75% 1RM for the day

EMOM minutes (2 rounds):

Minute 18-15 Goblet Squats

Minute 28-15 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts

Minute 38-15 dual kettlebell front squats

Minute 46 Single Arm Kettlebell Clean and Jerk6 One-Arm Kettlebell Snatches

**add rest as needed - use this as skill and technique work and not as conditioning.


Every 5 minutes x 3 sets:

2:30min Clock:

5 DB Devils Press @ 50/35lbs

18/14 Cal Row / BIKE 15/10

AMRAP Ring Muscle Ups / BMU / 5 Ring rows and 5 dips in remaining time

Target: We do not want you to perform this at max effort. Pick a target pace and number of ring muscle ups you would like to achieve and then pace according to those numbers. Use this week as a deload while still focusing on quality movement and skill aquisition.

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